في هذه الحلقة من بودكاست امتداد نقرأ مقالاً للكاتب أحمد الفيتوري حول رحلة قام بها مع مجموعة من الأصدقاء إلى واحة مدينة اوجلة الواقعة في قلب الصحراء الليبية، الرحلة قام بها الكاتب نهاية شهر مارس الماضي تزامناً مع الكسوف الكلي للشمس الذي حدث في ذلك الشهر. فقرتنا الثانية ستكون قراءة مختصرة لرواية الكاتب الكندي يان مارتيل، حياة باي، والتي سنقرأ فصلاً مترجماً عنها الأسبوع المقبل، ونختتم بقصيدة مترجمة عن الإنجليزية للشاعرة الأمريكية العربية ناعومي شهاب ناي. شكراً لكم دائماً.
لتحميل الحلقة اضغط هنــــــــــــــــــــــــــــا
20 March 2010 @ 01:29
Azizi Ana, Thanks for being one of the listeners to the Podcast, I hope you continue to do so. As for your question why? I am afraid to tell you that, this is one of the difficult questions in the field of creative writing and art in general. but I will try, you asked "why you bother yourself providing this service?" let me tell you first, I am not bothered, if I was, I shouldn't be doing this Podcast in the first place. I am like you enjoying this work, it’s a new experience for me, and I am enjoying it, but I hope I am not bothering other people who don’t like my work, and that’s important. As for the "providing this service", honestly I don't see myself providing any service, I am just trying to be what I am, or at least what I think I am. So at the end, I am still asking the same question to myself… why..?!! And maybe, by you listening to the Podcast you have answered the question.
20 March 2010 @ 01:29
Azizi Ana, Thanks for being one of the listeners to the Podcast, I hope you continue to do so. As for your question why? I am afraid to tell you that, this is one of the difficult questions in the field of creative writing and art in general. but I will try, you asked "why you bother yourself providing this service?" let me tell you first, I am not bothered, if I was, I shouldn't be doing this Podcast in the first place. I am like you enjoying this work, it’s a new experience for me, and I am enjoying it, but I hope I am not bothering other people who don’t like my work, and that’s important. As for the "providing this service", honestly I don't see myself providing any service, I am just trying to be what I am, or at least what I think I am. So at the end, I am still asking the same question to myself… why..?!! And maybe, by you listening to the Podcast you have answered the question.
20 March 2010 @ 01:29
i enjoyed listening to the 9th episode. enjoyed ur translation of Naomi nye's poem.
but why? why do u bother urself providing this service? i'm really curious to know.
20 March 2010 @ 01:29
i enjoyed listening to the 9th episode. enjoyed ur translation of Naomi nye's poem.
but why? why do u bother urself providing this service? i'm really curious to know.